Trying the new Clairol Color Crave

In my never ending quest for the perfect shade of orange hair; here we are again! With more and more available wash out dyes on the market, it would be rude not to try them all, right? I'll be honest when I see Clairol, the brand name usually triggers memories of being a kid and … Continue reading Trying the new Clairol Color Crave

Trying L’oreal Colorista Wash out Dye!

If you've read my post on my experience with La Riche Directions semi-perminant hair colour (linked down below) than you'll know pretty much my entire hair colour journey! Since beginning the process of neutralising the green in my hair with red dyes, my hair progressively became darker and darker as the green pigment in my … Continue reading Trying L’oreal Colorista Wash out Dye!