Reviewing St.Tropez Self Tan Purity Bronzing Mousse

I have a love hate relationship with the summer, I love not being cold, days out in sunny weather and having that bronze glow; but I’m naturally whiter-than-paper pale, so that bronze glow for me lasts around 0.4 seconds until I turn redder than a lobster and have to sit inside (yes, even with factor 50 suncream).

So this year, when heading abroad to the beautiful sunny Italy, I was determined to arrive having already aquired some sort of tan so the sunlight didn’t reflect straight off my super pale skin and I didn’t feel under pressure to sit in the heat all day long and try and tan!

The idea of a spray tan caught my attention, as someone who has only ever experimented with gradual tan moisturisers, I liked the idea of having a darker tan a bit quicker. However, the idea of having sticky orange all over my sheets and clothes and not really being sure what colour I was going to be was a little too much for a first time tanner! So I headed to my local drugstore and picked out a brand new product on the market, St.Tropez Self Tan Purify water bronzing mousse.

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The directions seemed fairly straightforward, exfoliate and shave 24 hours before, then simply apply the mousse with the tanning mitt and rub in thoroughly. What’s different about this self tanner to most others is that there is no colour to the mousse; so is this a good thing or a bad thing? Well this is what initially attracted me to the product, because the mousse is clear there is no colour guide, so no transfer onto clothes or bedsheets, no mess and it dries almost instantly so no sticky residue.


I was advised this might however make it more difficult to apply, as a first time self tanner, as without a colour guide its harder to know if you’ve missed any spots which will of course lead to a patchy tan, aka a tan disaster.

Im happy to report that no such disaster did occur, the product was very easy to apply, even and not too dark so that the shade still looks natural. There was no mess, no stress and no streaks! The product rubbed in easily and the only spots I missed where right under my arm pit so no one seemed to notice! The colour developed over 8 hours but had no interference with my day as it dried very quickly after application and didn’t rub off onto my clothing.IMG_5922

I would highly recommend this product, even for first time tanners! It was easy to use, gave me a great bronzed glow and cuts out all the mess and the fuss of a lot of other self tanning products! I for one will defiantly be using this product again!


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