
In a world where the phrase‘It’s 2019’ is used as a sole explanation for why anything is possible, for many, self love still seems completely impossible.

From photoshopped celebrities on magazines and posters, came a generation of young people editing their selfies on apps such as FaceTune, and then growing up saving money for cosmetic surgery, to make their edited selfies, their reality.

But an online rebellion has started, communities and groups of people fed up of feeling like they’re not enough. Despite the fact that editing apps become more and more popular every day, so does the self love movement.

For those of you reading this that have already subscribed to this blog, you will know that i am on a long long journey with cyctic acne. A journey which has taken me from clear skin, to a full face of agonising acne, and back again more times than i care to count.

Its fair to say my levels of confidence have had highs and lows and its even harder when everyone around you is editing out their spots and odd break outs and seem to have flawless skin. Let’s keep it real here, if i used an editing app to ‘blur’ my spots, I would be so blurry, it would look like i was trying protect my own identity!

A few years ago the trend #nomakeupselfie was born, encouraging people to be brave and show off their ‘true selves’ and not hide behind a mask of makeup. But for many of us, makeup wasn’t a mask to change who we were, it was to give us the confidence to be who we wanted to be and promoting that no makeup was better than wearing makeup sat uncomfortably with many of us.

The ‘no makeup movement’ didnt feel particularly inclusive. It wasn’t that we were ashamed to be without makeup, it was simply that learning how to camouflage my acne gave me the confidence to feel that people would look at me for me, and not just a skin condition i battle with everyday.

Confidence is inclusive and it comes in many forms.

But what i really want to know is what confidence looks like in you!

I want to start a campaign to fill social media platforms with shining images of confidence; without the use of editing apps. Do you feel the most yourself with a full face of makeup? Maybe you prefer to wear no makeup at all? Is the height of your confidence when you’ve just finished a workout? Maybe you feel most confident when you’ve just woken up and you’re rocking a bed head?

However you feel most confident i want to see it! I’m starting a campaign, #Confidencelookslikethis, so that slowly, together, we can start to fill the internet with confident happy people, without the blurred over flaws and the photoshopped abs.

Follow the movement on the accounts linked below and get involved! Share your most confident self and be sure to tag us in your photos with #Confidencelookslikethis, theres only one rule – No digital editing!

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